Your Instructors
Ready to make your experience one to remember
Kymberlee Weil
Kymberlee is addicted to improv. With over eight years of constant weekly training and countless performances, her enthusiasm is quite contagious. She has taught improv internationally, including at the TED Summit in Edinburgh, Scotland, and teaches improv concepts and lessons constantly in corporate workshops online and live throughout the world.
Currently, Kymberlee performs long-form improv with the Santa Barbara Based Embarrassment of Pandas and performs in short-form improv shows with Santa Barbara Improv and in specialty improv shows with the traveling team Panda-monium.
Although improv is infused in everything Kymberlee does when not on the improv stage, she can be found teaching high-stakes communication to storytellers and speakers throughout the world.
You can learn more at

Wirt "Erik" Salthouse
Erik brings his experience, enthusiasm and perspective to the stage at Carpinteria Improv. A fixture on the central coast improv scene for over a decade, Erik has performed with the Pandas and Tater Totz.
What’s one of Erik’s classes like? You’re usually in for a wild ride, with a lots of encouragement to take big swings. Perfect for beginners and seasoned professionals alike, his classes focus on fundamentals, and students walk away with one or two axioms that de-mystify the art and take the scare out of stage fright.
Erik’s classes can be summed up in his own words: “The point of any game is to teach you something, but the point of why we’re here is to have fun.”
The Headlines
Classes every Tuesday night from 7-9 pm
Doors open at 6:45
$10 cash at the door